Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm Bild Modellbahn Anlagen FN2019 03 541ad9cf9c
Model railroad layouts wanted for Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen 2025 !
After the successful re-launch of the Faszination Modellbau with Echtdampf-Hallentreffen last year, we are pleased to announce the IMA - Int. Modellbahn-Ausstellung, Faszination Modellbau and Echtdampf-Hallentreffen mega event from November 4 to 6, 2022 at the bright and friendly ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Bild Schlussbericht FN2024 Beitragsbild
Final report on Faszination Modellbau – Echtdampf – IMA from 08.11.2024: Unique worldwide

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Bild Presseinfo 04 FN2024 Beitragsbild scaled
Press release from 24.10.2024: Event of Superlatives
Only a few days to go until the highlight of the year: From November 1 to 3, 2024, the entire world of aircraft, cars, trucks and Ship modeling, model railroads and steam engines, plastic and cardboard model making will meet in Friedrichshafen on an incredible 70,000 m². This event is the ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Logo DigitalWorkshop Beitragsbild
Digital workshops of the RailCommunity and the DIMO editorial team

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm Bild Modellbahn Forum WEB fe0301f8d5
Model railroad forum: Novelties and developments – brand new
From Friday to Sunday the Model Railway Forum will take place. It offers trade fair visitors the opportunity to find out about outstanding new products and developments. During the entire opening hours of the fair, the forum offers high-quality information on the subject of model ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm modelleisenbahn 04 56abcef0f4
Junior College Europe from BDEF
At Junior College Europe, children and young people are introduced to model railroading at seven stations through free self-assembly and play. In this they are supported and guided by the supervisors. The children can make small dioramas here and then take them home. There are attractive ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FMT Stars des Jahres Flugshow 22
Press release from 27.09.2024: 3 – 2 – 1 – Start!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm Messeimpressionen Faszination Modellbau 2019 25 1d9b22c933
Always in the flow – the model railroads
It's the Classic! The evergreens of the miniature worlds at the Int. Modellbahn-Ausstellung Friedrichshafen are always in flow and once again represented with Hall A1 and Hall A2 in two large exhibition halls including their own knowledge forum. The excellent diversity and creativity of ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur H0 Priorter MG 01 scaled
Press release from 05.09.2024: The model railroad layouts for the Int. Modellbahn-Ausstellung Friedrichshafen 2024 introduce themselves!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur 2 LGB Norddeutschland 01
Introducing the gauge 2 model railroad layouts!
Track IIm (G): Passion IIm Passion IIm is a modular layout that represents an imaginary metric line and imaginary railroad companies. The rolling stock consists mostly of LGB models that have received new paint jobs. The weathering gives a realistic impression. The modular concept ...more

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur 1 Spor 1 Wehrmacht Beitragsbild
Introducing the gauge 1 model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur 0 Feldbahn Muehlenanger 01
Introducing the gauge 0 model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur H0 Bockerl fahr zua 01
Introducing the H0 gauge model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur TT MBC Hoyerswerda 02
Introducing the gauge TT model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur N N Club International 01
Introducing the gauge N model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2024 Spur Z Brettchen2
Introducing the Z-gauge model railroad layouts!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Eisenbahn7
Press release from 18.07.2024: Great things are in store for us!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Eisenbahn 2022 Schlussbericht
Final report on Faszination Modellbau from 08.11.2023: In the universe of modelling

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau FN2023 Spur H0 WUeP Weschnitztal Ueberwaldbahn Projekt 16zu9
Press release from 25.08.2023: The model railroad layouts for Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen 2023 introduce themselves:

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau IMA 2022 Spur 1 Spur 1 Team Hasselt 01
Press release from 09.09.2022: The model railroad layouts of IMA 2022 introduce themselves
Passion IIm is a modular layout that represents an imaginary metric line and imaginary railroad companies. The rolling stock consists mostly of LGB models that have received new paint jobs. The weathering gives a realistic impression. The modular concept allows countless possibilities to ...more