Current topics for the Faszination Modellbau trade fair
12. November 2021
FASZINATION MODELLBAU 2021 Re-Start absolutely successful!
FASZINATION MODELLBAU, Leading International Trade Fair for Model Railways and Model Making, celebrated an absolutely successful re-launch from…
29. October 2021
Model Railway Forum and Model Aviation Forum 2021: Informative lectures and practical tips
This year, the Model Railway Forum will again be held in Hall A2 and the Model Aviation Forum in Hall A4. It offers trade fair visitors the…
21. October 2021
Countdown on! Faszination Modellbau starts live in Friedrichshafen from 05-07 November 2021
High-tech airplanes go steep, detailed miniature railroads chug around, and highly digitized functional models toil away: model builders can finally…