1. February 2025

Application for participation in the Friedrichshafen 2025 snow groomer course

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm Bild Pistenraupen 2 0bf5a23bbf uai

Are you an enthusiastic model maker in the field of alpine technology and would like to enrich the 90m² winter landscape with your model at Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen? Then sign up!

And this is how it works: Simply fill out the application form below for each person and upload a picture of your model (max. scale 1:12).

As we are including all participants in the daily show this year, it is important to apply this way. With your application you will receive free entry to the fair, but you are obliged to take part in at least two daily shows (11:00-11:30 and 15:30-16:00)!

Applications can be submitted until Friday, October 10, 2025!

After successful application you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail!

A final acceptance or rejection of your truck model will be made by Friday, October 17, 2025.

Each participant receives a maximum storage space the size of a beer table.

Contact person and organizer:
Klaus Bergdolt

Please post your open questions in the snow groomer forum via the following link: https://www.pistenraupenforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=4532

To reduce the size of image files (compress them)
Bewerbung Teilnahme Pistenraupen-Parcours
zur Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen 2025


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z.B. Oldschool, CAD-Spezialist/3D-Drucker, Ich lasse bauen und spiele nur, Mechanikspezialist, Elektronikverachter usw.
z.B. Flugmodellbau, Truckmodellbau, Automodellbau, Schiffsmodellbau oder andere
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 Bild Modell hochladen
 Bild Deco hochladen
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