18. July 2024

Press release from 18.07.2024: Great things are in store for us!

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau Eisenbahn7 uai

FASZINATION MODELLBAU Friedrichshafen with Echtdampf-Hallentreffen & Internationale Modellbahn-Ausstellung (IMA), 1 to 3 November 2024

It is the largest event of its kind in the world: from 1 to 3 November 2024, the entire world of model making, model railways and steam engines will gather on an area of no less than 70,000 m². For three days, visitors can look forward to a top-class programme in the border triangle on Lake Constance. They can also get involved in the action themselves with many events and hands-on activities.

A huge experience: Internationale Modellbahn-Ausstellung

It takes place every two years in Friedrichshafen – and in 2024 it’s time again! The celebrated Internationale Modellbahn-Ausstellung will fill the giant Hall A1 and Hall A2. Impressive model railway layouts, which include detailed dioramas, historic bridges, legendary railway stations and Alpine passes, extend over a gigantic area. Here you will find model railways of all gauges, as well as all the leading manufacturers presenting their latest locomotives, track systems and highly detailed accessories.

Both children and adults will be amazed and enthusiastic and can discover their own creativity at the numerous hands-on stations. Everyone can immerse themselves in this fascinating hobby, exchange ideas with friends and experts and get advice.

Four kilometres of track at the Echtdampf-Hallentreffen

Halls B2 and B3 are home to over four kilometres of track. It smokes, steams and stomps there! The Echtdampf-Hallentreffen is a unique spectacle worldwide.

However, the fascinating, miniature railways at the steam indoor event are not just there to look at: visitors can climb aboard and experience a ride on the course for themselves! It is just as exciting next to the tracks when the road steam engines of the internationally travelling exhibitors come puffing past.

FMT stars of the year at Lake Constance Airport Friedrichshafen

This event is unique: a model aeroplane show at a commercial airfield! The best pilots of the year show off their skills in front of the impressive mountain panorama of Lake Constance Airport Friedrichshafen. World, European and German champions push the boundaries of what is possible and demonstrate the latest developments in model flying with spectacular flying displays.

And all classes of model flying are represented: From highly dynamic jets and true-to-life large-scale models to impressive 3D heli aerobatics and challenging gliding competition disciplines. The manufacturers’ demonstrations will also be back at the start, where the latest products for the coming season will be presented live in the sky for the first time. The best products of the year, honoured by the trade magazine FMT, can also be seen live. The airshow spectacle will take place throughout the duration of the trade fair from Friday to Sunday. Don’t miss it!

Model aircraft exhibition, model building forum, FMT Indoor Action

At the same time as the mega airshow outside on the grounds of Lake Constance Airport Friedrichshafen, there will be plenty going on inside in the A3 hangar: specialist exhibitors will be explaining their range to visitors, at the model building forum we can enjoy top-class presentations on current topics and at the central model aircraft exhibition we can admire sensational home-built models: Highly detailed scale models, exotic models, large scale models and collector’s items from all model aircraft sectors.

On the 30×30 metre flying field in the West Foyer, spectators can experience huge home-made models made of Depron and even impeller jets whizzing through the hall. The FMT Indoor Action programme also includes indoor models weighing just one to two grams as well as production models. This is because the manufacturer demonstrations will feature models that make indoor flying affordable for everyone, even beginners.

Heavyweights: RC trucks, construction machinery and snow groomers

The huge courses (scales 1:8 and 1:16) in Hall A4 offer everything your heart desires: tractors, cranes, tracked vehicles and hydraulically controlled construction machinery. Excavators shovel away earth, bulldozers level the site and heavy lorries remove the material. A real spectacle.

In truck trials, multi-axle vehicles navigate through difficult terrain, cross bridges and rocks and even use cable winches. In a completely different setting, snow groomers work their way through the artificial snow and prepare immaculate ski slopes. Enchanting. And the youngsters can also have a go: for example on the tractor children’s course – the little ones’ eyes light up.

Majestic ship models in the large water basin

On the 400 m² indoor water pool in Hall A5 and outside on the exhibition lake, we look forward to seeing RC sailing boats passing majestically in front of the meditative blue of the water. But that’s not all! Racing boats race past with impressive fountains and even a burning ship is extinguished during sea rescue exercises.

Once again this year, budding ship modellers can earn the coveted captain’s licence in the children’s race. The large exhibition of historical ship models and fascinatingly detailed plastic and cardboard models in Hall A5 is also well worth a visit.

Racing with RC cars, FPV copters and airships

Dramatic racing action awaits us in Hall B1: Here, RC cars in 1:8 and 1:10 scales as well as RC motorbikes thunder around the circuit. But it’s not just about the show! At the German Open RC-Car Masters held here, the best pilots in the scene fight for every position.

In complete contrast to the insanely fast RC cars is what happens in the East Foyer: Remote-controlled blimps float almost weightlessly around the course and fight for pole position in the Open Int. Competition F7B. Racing sounds – and really high-frequency ones at that – also reach us from Hall A6, where race copters shoot around the pylons like insects and vie for a place on the podium in the FPV Drone Championship final. An experience that leaves no one indifferent.

Thank you for your reports and announcements.


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